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Introduction to DB2 for zOS for Systems and Operations Personnel

formación Introduction to DB2 for zOS for Systems and Operations Personnel

Descripción: Curso Introduction to DB2 for zOS for Systems and Operations Personnel

Formación en IBM Db2

DB2 11 for z/OS beginning DBAs can develop fundamental skills or recognition through lectures and hands-on exercises of:

  • DB2 Objects
  • Structured Query Language
  • DB2 Commands
  • DB2 Utilities
  • DB2 Logging
  • DB2 Program Preparation

The course materials cover DB2 11 for z/OS.

Formación IBM




z/OS Prequisite Review

DB2 Relational Database Concepts

Structured Query Language (SQL) and SPUFI

DB2 Objects

The DB2 System

DB2 Commands and Program Preparation

DB2 Utilities

DB2 Shutdown, Startup, and Recovery

Course Summary


Day 1

  • (00:15) Welcome
  • (00:30) Unit 1: z/OS Prerequisite Review
  • (00:10) Exercise 1: Connecting to z/OS and Creating Data Sets
  • (00:05) Exercise 1 Review
  • (01:15) Unit 2: DB2 Relational Database Concepts
  • (01:15) Unit 3: Structured Query Language (SQL) and SPUFI
  • (00:45) Exercise 2: SQL and SPUFI
  • (00:15) Exercise 2 Review
  • (01:30) Unit 4: DB2 Objects (Databases and Table Spaces)
  • (00:45) Exercise 3: Databases and Table Spaces
  • (00:15) Exercise 3 Review
  • (01:30) Unit 4: DB2 Objects (Tables, Indexes, and Views)

Day 2

  • (00:45) Exercise 4: Tables, Indexes, and Views
  • (00:15) Exercise 4 Review
  • (01:00) Unit 4: DB2 Objects (Qualified Names, Implicit Object Creation, and SQL Statements)
  • (00:30) Exercise 5: Qualified Names, Implicit Object Creation, and SQL Statements
  • (00:15) Exercise 5 Review
  • (01:30) Unit 5: The DB2 System
  • (00:45) Exercise 6: The DB2 System
  • (00:15) Exercise 6 Review
  • (02:00) Unit 6: DB2 Commands and Program Preparation

Day 3

  • (00:45) Exercise 7: DB2 Commands
  • (00:15) Exercise 7 Review
  • (02:00) Unit 7: DB2 Utilities
  • (01:00) Exercise 8: DB2 Utilities
  • (00:15) Exercise 8 Review
  • (01:15) Unit 8: DB2 Shutdown, Startup, and Recovery
  • (00:45) Exercise 9: DB2 Recovery
  • (00:15) Exercise 9 Review
  • (00:30) Unit 9: Course Summary

This course is for beginning DB2 for z/OS database administrators who need to acquire the basic skills required to administer a DB2 database in a z/OS environment.

You should have a working knowledge of

  • z/OS, TSO, ISPF, and SDSF
  • sequential, partitioned, and VSAM data sets
  • and basic JCL
  • Give an overview of the DB2 9 environment
  • Describe and utilize DB2 Objects
  • Describe and utilize several DB2 Utilities
  • Describe the DB2I (DB2 Interactive Facility) environment
  • Use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to compose and execute SQL
  • Setup and execute DB2 Commands
  • Understand DB2 Logging
  • Describe DB2 program preparation process
  • Understand DB2 startup and shutdown
  • Understand and utilize DB2 recovery strategies
  • Código: CV021G
  • Metodología: ILT
  • Duración: 3 Días
  • Habilidades: IBM Db2
  • Áreas: IBM Db2
  • Precio:Consultar

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